Achieving Work-Life Balance
The concept of a successful work-life balance can be extremely elusive. There are countless schools of thought as to how one achieves this balance, and for good reason – the true meaning of work-life balance is different for everyone. It’s important to keep this mind when discussing the topic. That being said, there are certain measures that you can use to assess whether or not you’re achieving your own personal work-life balance.
Are You Feeling Burnt Out?
“Occupational burnout” is that feeling of job stress that just seems unresolvable. It may come as a result of the pressure from your job, your daily interactions, or perhaps the hours you put in. Of course, some stress at work is normal. Stress can even be a source of inspiration for some. Burnout, however, causes people across the country to leave jobs and careers every day. Burnout can cause employees to become cynical with undesirable attitudes towards management and colleagues, and valueless as if their job no longer matters. If you’re starting to feel the effects of burnout, talk to someone at work who can create a change in routine to prevent negativity both at your job and at home.
Do You Enjoy Your Work Culture?
Fortunately, more businesses have been placing emphasis on the importance of creating an enjoyable work culture in recent years. Still, the most important factor is whether or not the culture is a right fit for you. Don’t underestimate seemingly small decisions that can have an effect on your opinion of the culture at your job. Do you prefer to work around others or by yourself? Do you prefer to work in quiet environments or one in which ideas are always being thrown around? Do you prefer sitting or standing? Most importantly, does your job provide the flexibility for you to explore these options?
Does the Present Earn Your Attention?
One of the best indications of a successful work-life balance is that you can easily give your attention to whatever you’re doing in the moment. While you’re at home or with friends, you should be able to focus on those experiences without your mind constantly wandering back to unfinished projects at work. Conversely, while at the office, you should be able to focus on the tasks at hand without being constantly sidetracked by outside distractions from within your personal life. As everybody knows, this is easier said than done, and there will always be certain issues both at work and at home that will seep in from time to time. However, if you’re able to give your full attention to whatever’s happening in the present, your positive work-life balance will grow as a result.
Disparity in your work-life balance can create enormous stress. It’s no secret at this point that this can have serious effects on your health. From less serious issues like susceptibility to cold and flu viruses to more serious issues such as respiratory and digestive problems, your immune system will thank you for maintaining happiness in your work and home lives. Do your best to avoid unnecessary stress and you’ll see a rise in your productivity and growth in your personal relationships.